Last Friday was probably the worst day of my life. I literally thought Oliver was going to die and I was never going to see him again. Let me explain. On Thursday I took Ollie for his 18 month check-up and he got a couple vaccine shots. He was fine, no fever, just regular ol' Ollie. Friday morning he woke up a little warm. I was going to give him some Motrin, but I was running late for my kickboxing class so I forgot. When I came home an hour later he was REALLY warm. I gave him some Motrin, took off his pj's, and gave him some cold milk. I left him on the couch while I got up real quick to munch on something. When I came back to sit by him I had to do a double take. His face was blue, he was twitching and staring off into space. I screamed for my dad. I picked him, started saying his name and tried to snap him out of it. My brother (he works from home and lives here too) came running down the stairs and took Ollie while I called 911. As I was talking to the dispatcher I could hear my brother and dad trying to do everything they could think of to wake him. At one point he wasn't breathing and that's when I thought I would never see him alive again. When I told the lady on the phone he had had his vaccines (I thought he was having a horrible reaction to them) and a fever, she explained he was having a seizure. She said he would be okay and that it is what happens to young children when they get a high fever in a short amount of time. He started breathing again and soon the paramedics came and we spent the rest of the day in the ER. They told me what to do to prevent high fevers (duh!) and that it had no effect on his brain. However, he is now more susceptible to them until the age of seven. As thankful as I am that he is okay and it had no permanent damage I keep wondering how I did not know this!? It seems like everyone I tell has heard of fever seizures before but never experienced it. Now that I have experienced it, I NEVER want to again.
How awful! While my kids have not been in that situation, I do know what it's like to feel like your baby is going to die. It is the most awful feeling in the world. I'm SO glad to hear that he is doing better and that he's okay.
Bethany! I'm so glad to hear that he's doing better. Saturday morning I was reading all of Russ' facebook status' and I went from feeling panicked to feeling completely relieved in a few seconds. I'm so glad he's ok. Love ya!
What an awful day! I couldn't even imagine how scared you were. That's good that your dad and brother were there to help and you weren't by yourself trying to do everything at once.
I'm so glad to hear that Ollie is doing better.
wow, i can't imagine! that is so awful! i'm so glad he is doing better!
Thanks guys!
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