Monday, August 31, 2009


Okay, so it's been a while since I've updated this thing but I would like for you to know we are still alive. Barely, but alive. It's been a fun summer. There was the Yankee Game, Russ' dad visiting, Vegas and numerous trips to the beach. All in all I am glad it is pretty much over. Casey started play school so I am rid of him for 6 hours a week. Hallelujah! My sisters are coming to visit mid-September so I am looking forward to that. After they leave it is job-hunting time for Bethany! EEK! I never should have quit my job. We are never gonna get out of my parents' house if I don't start making some extra money. So, if anybody knows of anyone who is hiring, PLEASE let me know! Here are a few more pics from our summer. Oh ya, we went to Vegas to celebrate our sixth wedding anniversary. I can't believe it's been six years but its been fun!

Casey having fun

Russ and I looking good

Two dorky grandpas

Grandpa and Ollie having fun

I wish...maybe someday Annie or Natalie?

Us with the Coca Cola Bear

Elvis with Russ or the other way around?

Where we stayed...Excalibur!


Annie said...

I'm in! Well, I often wonder when marveling at the same poster, how many of those men are in fact straight. I think the thought of homosexual men dancing naked isn't quite as appealing. Not that there is anything wrong with homosexual men dancing naked. . .

The Smith Family Chronicles said...

HAHA! Straight or not it would still be a fun girls night out.

Rusty! said...

That'd be a long ways to go for a girl's night out.